Dog Restrictions in San Francisco Condos

April 3, 2023

Full disclosure: We love dogs. We can relate to that crazy dog lady who posts a ridiculous number of pictures of their puppy on the socials. Not surprisingly, we find the dog restrictions in many HOAs to be, well, a bit restrictive. Restrictions about dog quantity, dog weight, and dog breed are the most common […]

Understanding Condominium & HOA Documents: A Buyers Guide

March 30, 2023

As real estate agents representing buyers of condos, stock cooperatives, tenancy-in-common shares, or similar properties, we have a duty to help our clients understand the obligations, assumptions, and health of the governing body, typically called the homeowner’s association (HOA). Reviewing the hundreds of pages of documents given to buyers during due diligence can be overwhelming and […]

Condo Buildings with Earthquake Insurance in San Francisco

August 4, 2022

We know that California is earthquake country, California is home to two-thirds of all earthquake activity in the United States and most Californians live within 30 miles of an active fault. Living in the Bay Area, there is always this lurking question that pops up once in a while, “Is today the day?”. But if […]

Modern Condo Buildings In San Francisco

July 21, 2022

What Exactly Is a Condominium Anyway?  Strictly defined a condominium (condo) is a privately owned individual unit within a community of other units. In general, the owner usually owns the interior of their condo from the walls in. Owners also jointly own shared common areas within the community, such as pools, garages, elevators, and outside […]