Our San Francisco real estate newsletters are chock full of juicy information that we think you’ll enjoy regardless of whether you are a buyer, seller, investor, or just a real estate data junkie!
What’s In It?
Our point of view. It’s a compilation of articles we’ve written in any given week. One article might look at big-picture trends, while another will zoom in with laser-like focus to a particular neighborhood or property type. Our interests cover the entire range of San Francisco properties — from single-family homes to luxury condominium buildings to new construction. If it’s happening in SF, you can bet that we’ll be writing about it in our newsletter.
Who Writes It?
Mostly Matt, but sometimes other team members, pen a few articles. No “clip-art” marketing blurbs.
How Often Will I Receive It?
We send out our newsletter about once a month.
What’s the Catch?
There isn’t one. If you don’t like our newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time (there is a link to do so in every edition). Receiving our newsletter doesn’t obligate you to anything, not even reading it! (Although we hope you do.) If you like what you read, and someday want to get in touch with us to buy, sell, or invest in a property, that would make us very happy. That’s it!