Tom & Doug Explain Portland

Posted On: April 22, 2019
By: Matt Fuller


In today’s episode of Escrow Out Loud, our San Francisco Real Estate podcast, we interview Tom Cotter and Doug Beebe – real estate agents based in Portland, Oregon – about the differences in the markets in San Francisco (SF) and Portland.

[00:21] We learn more about Tom and Doug, their brief background and how long they have been agents.

[01:49] When our clients decide to move to Portland we love to refer them to Tom and Doug. While there are a lot of similarities between our two cities, we would love to hear how Californians take to settling in Oregon.

We discuss some differences in seller requirements between California and Oregon as well as SF quirks that have been rearing their head in Portland.

[08:38] Price is another major point of difference between the two cities. What does a typical three bedroom, two bath condo or single-family house cost in Portland? Why have 30-50% of all listings in Portland had a price reduction?

Portland does still see over-bidding in desirable neighborhoods and the most competitive markets commonly generate multiple offers (either at asking price or over).

[12:21] In Portland about 30% of buyers are cash buyers; mostly they are coming in from other markets, though. Similarly to SF, this means a housing crisis and affordability issues. There are suggestions of doing away with single family zoning and limiting the square footage of new construction.

[16:56] Tom and Doug have lived in Portland since 1992; what are some of the changes they’ve seen and how similar are they to SF?

[19:41] What is some advice for folks considering exploring Portland area? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tom and Doug; visit their website for more.

[21:10] We talk about Portland neighborhoods. How is it laid out and how many neighborhoods does it have?

[24:31] To wrap-up Tom and Doug share some great things about Portland.

Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed this episode leave us a review on your favorite platform, tell your friends and don’t forget to join us again next week!

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