No homes in the MLS currently match this search. We belong to a variety of off-MLS networks and may have non-MLS homes of interest. Contact us to learn more or sign up for an account to follow properties.
[0] => Array
[acf_fc_layout] => properties_list
[title] =>
[description] =>
[display_type] => Custom
[custom_parameters] => Array
[search] =>
[neighborhood] => ALAMEDA
[home_type] =>
[beds] => Array
[min] =>
[max] =>
[baths] =>
[price] => Array
[min] =>
[max] =>
[square_footage] => Array
[min] =>
[max] =>
[parking] =>
[hoa_dues] =>
[days_on_market] =>
[status] =>
[sort] => pba__listingprice_pb__c;desc
[agent_mls_id] =>
[building_style] =>
[architectural_style] =>
[limit] => 6
[pagination] =>
[columns] => 3
[layout] => Fluid
[box_width] => 1170
[background] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[0] => Yes
[color] =>
[box_padding] => Array
[padding_top] => 15
[padding_bottom] => 15
[ajax] =>
[card_style] => 1
[section_container_class] =>
[1] => Array
[data] => Array
[neighborhood] => like:ALAMEDA
[orderby] => pba__listingprice_pb__c:desc
[itemsperpage] => 6
[args] => Array
[post_type] => property
[posts_per_page] => 6
[post_status] => publish
[paged] => 1
[meta_query] => Array
[0] => Array
[relation] => AND
[0] => Array
[key] => subdist__c
[value] => alameda
[compare] => LIKE
[1] => Array
[listing_price] => Array
[key] => pba__listingprice_pb__c
[type] => numeric
[compare] => EXISTS
[2] => Array
[relation] => AND
[0] => Array
[key] => pba__status__c
[value] => Array
[0] => Active
[1] => Contingent - Show
[compare] => IN
[orderby] => Array
[listing_price] => desc